NOTE: Remember that when we talk about access to the Internet, we are addressing that access from traditional tools (desktop/laptop computers) as well as from handheld devices (iPods, PSP's, smartphones, netbooks, etc.) that are now so pervasive. Any AUP 2.0 needs to address the use of handheld devices in an educational setting.
We started writing AUPs (Acceptable Use Policies) a little more than ten years ago, as most schools started to get wired to the Internet. The opportunities were dizzying, but we had the wisdom to go cautiously. We saw potentials for abuse and even danger. So we set out to establish polices of restraint and enforced them.
Much has changed since 1995. The World Wide Web has become much more than a library where you went to find and consume information. It has become a collaborative environment, where the information becomes something that we participate with, rather than simply read and believe. Our students are global learners who need access to global information.
The Machine is Us-ing Us (final version) by Michael Wesch, anthropologist at Kansas State University. A look at how the web has changed and how it is changing us. Check out his Digital Ethnography website for more information
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Links to legislation
Lightspeed Keeping students safe online.mht CIPA p. 4,5 references to language in the law re filtering, AUP and curriculum
Broadband Improvement Data Act references social networking, cyberbullying, and chatting
Title IX A history, resources and more.
First Amendment The nonpartisan First Amendment Center works to raise awareness about the fundamental freedoms of religion and free expression, through education and information. We accomplish that work through programs, publications and a Web site that each day provides authoritative news, analysis and studies of contemporary issues involving the five First Amendment freedoms: religion, speech, press, assembly and petition.
AUP 2.0 guidance, samples and more
School AUP 2.0 is an outstanding resource. It is a dynamic document (wiki-based) designed to support teachers, school media specialists, and education leaders in developing, maintaining, and enforcing policies designed to:
- Promote the most effective, productive, and instructionally sound uses of digital, networked, and abundant information environments.
- Provide safe digital environments for learners and to instill safe practices and habits among the learning community.
This wiki site serves as a launchpad to other documents and communities seeking to provide guidance in acceptable use policy development and also as an incubator for ideas related to issues, document structures, new problems and opportunities, and maintenance.
The Center for Safe and Responsible Internet Use provides research and outreach services to address issues of the safe and responsible use of the Internet. We provide guidance to parents, educators, librarians, policy-makers, and others regarding effective strategies to assist young people in gaining the knowledge, skills, motivation, and self-control to use the Internet and other information technologies in a safe and responsible manner. Nancy Willard, executive director of the Center for Safe and Responsible Internet Use, is a recognized authority on issues related to the safe and responsible use of the Internet.
SICTAS-nsi.pdf ( Strategic ICT Advisory Service (SICTAS) project-from Australia)This report focuses on identifying and overcoming the barriers associated with current site blocking practices in schools with regards to Web 2.0 services such as social networking, video sharing, blogs and wikis and popular sites such as YouTube, Facebook and Wikipedia. The report briefly describes Web 2.0 in terms of opportunities for teaching and learning and places site blocking in context within an overall framework that includes cyber-safety and 21st century learning. This paper discusses key findings arising from desktop research, online surveys and consultation with’s contacts in the educational jurisdictions and other relevant bodies. Finally, it provides a set of recommendations that could overcome many of the barriers that current site blocking practices in schools place on teachers looking to use Web 2.0 to improve teaching and learning.
From BECTA (Becta is the government agency leading the national drive to ensure the effective and innovative use of technology throughout learning.) This publication provides a number of prompts and action points to help schools and other children's settings develop effective AUPs within their local context and framework of wider e-safety measures. aups_context_online_behaviours.pdf
and aup_action_points.doc
CoSN Report 042809Final w-cover.pdf
Would You Please Block? Bud the Teacher's Blog Bud is Bud Hunt, an English teacher and "tech guy" for the St. Vrain Valley School District in northern Colorado. Would you please block is Bud's stock response to requests he often receives from teachers and other staff to block resources that are distractions in the classroom. (They ONLY filter CIPA required sites) "Ever since we opened up lots more of the Internet in our school district earlier this year, the district has received several requests from teachers and other staff to block resources that are distractions in the classroom. I’ve written a stock response to those requests that I thought might be worth sharing. It’s my hope that their requests and the conversations that come from this response lead to changes in classroom practice."
Educon 2.0 (a conversation and a conference sponsored by the Science Leadership Academy in Philadelphia)
offers guidance and info about intellectual freedom and filtering. The Educon 2.0 wiki's goal is to have a conversation about best practices, leading towards developing a shared document (google docs) that could be used by districts/educators needing support.
Sample Policy Wording
These are some samples that you may wish to review as you are writing your AUP 2.0. They may or may not work for you, but they could provide you with a good place to start.
Internet Safety examples.doc
Samples from the AUP 2.0 Wiki pages
Antigo Internet Safety Policy.doc
Increase Your Bandwidth
As mentioned during the DPI E-rate workshops this week (Nov.13th, 09) the TEACH program has announced major changes in TEACH pricing for school districts and libraries. Here is a summary from the TEACH website: Effective January 1, 2010, there will no longer be multiple $250/mo fees for bandwidths over 10Mbps. In addition, the practice of “capping” subsidized bandwidth at 45Mbps is being eliminated. The total available subsidized bandwidth per TEACH customer is now 100Mbps. There will also no longer be incremental fees for bandwidths over 10Mbps. Bandwidths from 256K to 3.0M will continue to be billed at $100/mo but all bandwidths from 3Mbps to 100Mbps will be just $250/mo regardless of how that bandwidth is divided between video, internet transport, WAN and WAN HPLL. Customers currently paying over $250/month for their TEACH-subsidized BCN service will automatically have their rate reduced in January. More info on this very beneficial change is linked on the TEACH site.
SharePoint In-house Web Hosting
Microsoft SharePoint, also known as Microsoft SharePoint Products and Technologies, is a collection of products and software elements that includes, among a growing selection of components, web browser based collaboration functions, process management modules, search modules and a document-management platform. SharePoint can be used to host web sites that access shared workspaces, information stores and documents, as well as host defined applications such as wikis and blogs. All users can manipulate proprietary controls called "web parts" or interact with pieces of content such as lists and document libraries.
See for more information.
A Vision of K-12 Students Today-Is your school engaging 21st century learners?
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