
Literacy 2 Point 0 meets Technology

Page history last edited by crogers 11 years, 4 months ago

Literacy 2.0: Where traditional literacy and technological literacy meet.

Students in the 21st century still need to develop the reading and writing skills that were the aim of literacy 1.0 instruction. However, they must go beyond those skills and learn how to use technology

for communicating and collaborating in new ways.



Essential ICT (information and communications technology) skills

CCSS ELA: Elementary & Tech  Middle & Tech   High and Tech

ISTE NETSStudents   Teachers    Administrators

 NCTE: Standards for English Language

IRA: Standards for English Language  

WISCONSIN ITLS  Wisconsin ITLS Standards coded   Short Version 


Why use Technology? 

"Today's educators and K-12 students need to be information literate: to be able to locate, evaluate, use and share information. California State University notes several specific reasons for students to be information literate:

* So they can successfully navigate through proliferating information resources

* To improve their quality of education

* To learn additional tools to reinforce course content

* To enhance lifelong learning."  from Information Literacy for K-16 Settings


Net Day SPEAK-UP results for your district (you'll need your district password - check with tech coordintator)

Tomorrow.org – what respondents want and need from technology (function)


Keep Literacy in mind as you examine innovative applications of functions. Don’t get caught up in the tools – they constantly change.

Two questions* to ask before using a tool:

1)    What are the unique capabilities of this tool that can’t be done without using it?

2)    What can I do better instructionally than what I could do without it?

*Sarah Kajder, www.bringingtheoutsidein.com 


Research and surveys confirm it is good!    Project Red     Digital Learning Now   

CDWG 21st Century Classroom

What does it Mean to Comprehend What One Reads? - whitepaper from Headsprout Reading


Gradual Release of Responsibility model:

Focus Lesson, Guided Instruction, Productive Group Work, Independent Learning


Purpose of Homework, Characteristics, Reflective Questions to Ask

The Flipped Classroom



10 Sites for Online Tutoring and Teaching


Ideas for student projects that reflect literacy 2.0 skills


Matching tools to their functions


Tools to help you in the classroom


Other Useful Resources -

K-1 Reading apps        Bookshare for special needs students     BrainHoney   Teacher's Domain PBS


Thinkfinity   Wisconsin PBS Resources   Wisconsin Streaming Media      Library of Congress    


Videos for RtI in the Classroom        INTEL Assessment Library


 The National Archives    Live Binders    Evernote


Google Lit Trips   ePals Wisconsin   Teaching Books and Authors          CESA 7 iThings Wiki


INTEL Teach to the Future     Web2.0 Cool Tools for Schools          Learning In Hand mobile learning by Tony Vincent


Khan Academy          Skype Education Resources    Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration    CESA 7 Educational Technology Services    E-field Trips  Projects by Jen


The Learning Registry (in progress)     Partnership for 21st Century Skills


21st Century Information Fluency Online Magazine

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