
CAI Technology Update

Page history last edited by Roxann Nys 14 years, 10 months ago

 New WI Technology Standards?  Not yet...



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EETT 2010/11 Grant

  • All projects
    • must include an Gr. 8 component that includes at least 25 teachers and their students for assessment (online pre and post tests).
    • must be based on the NET*T, NET*S, AASL Standards for the 21st Century Learner and/or the ITLS
    • will be based on a research based model


    • will participate workshops to identify teacher and student (starting with 8th grade) benchmarks based on the standards mentioned above.
    • will develop replication “Tool-kit


District Participants (as of 4/13/2010)








Luxemburg Casco


Southern Door

Sturgeon Bay




Defined Needs

  • Form learning communities to improve instructional technology practices in their classrooms and their school libraries


  • Raise student academic achievement, closing achievement gap, and growing 21st century skills




  • Provide flexible and efficient time frame for professional development


  • Provide training in action research, to enable educators to assess their students’ achievements accurately




GOAL 1: All students in the target group will increase their use of technology as a learning tool to improve student academic achievement within a learning environment where Wisconsin’s Model Academic Standards for Information & Technology Literacy are aligned with and embedded within the content area curriculum.


GOAL 2: All educators in the target group participating in professional development on education technology will be qualified to use technology as a tool for teaching and learning, and will increase their use of technology as a tool to support student academic achievement.   Models used for instruction include: Microsoft Peer Coaching Model; Schools Around the World “Critical Friends” Reflection Model; INTEL Project-Based Approaches; and Intel’s 21st Century Skills Assessment course


Objective 1: Statewide 8th grade benchmarks and assessment will be developed, administered, and analyzed.




Objective 2: Educators will increase their technology skills and knowledge to enable model 21st Century Skills in a 21st Century Learning Environment. Coaching peers will be a requirement.




Objective 3: School administrators and technology leaders will advance their 21st century technology leadership skills and knowledge by participating in learning activities with educators.



Classroom Walkthroughs-

What does good technology integration look like?



➤Technologies in and of themselves rarely bring about substantial change in teaching and learning.

➤The impact of technology on specific aspects of teaching and learning can be usefully understood only in context.


From Jeff Utech’s blog: http://www.thethinkingstick.com/evaluating-technology-use-in-the-classroom


"When most administrators evaluate teachers during the evaluation process, they have some sort of check sheet they are working from either mental or as part of a school’s evaluation process. I wanted to come up with an easy way for administrators to add to that list some questions that they can answer without knowing a lot about technology and by just observing its use within a lesson.


I remembered a Marc Prensky article in Edutopia in which he talks about the typical process of technology adoption:

  1. Dabbling with technology
  2. Doing Old Things in Old Ways
  3. Doing Old Things in New Ways
  4. Doing New Things in New Ways


What if we turned these stages of technology adoption into questions that an evaluator could use during the evaluation process?


1. Is the technology being used “just because it’s there”? [Entry]

This would be the use of edutainment software, the use of a particular piece of technology because it happens to be in the room. The teacher dabbles with technology, not having a real focus on its use within the lesson but uses it as an add-on or at a very basic level (no real impact on the learning process).


2. Is the technology allowing the teacher/students to do Old things in Old ways? [Adoption]


Publishing a piece of writing in Word rather than hand writing it would be an example of this.

Also, using an LCD projector [or an Interactive White Board] instead of a white/black board for a lesson.

Another example would be researching on the Internet rather than in an Encyclopedia.

These are all great things, and great ways to use technology, but they are only replacing the way we have always done things with something that might be faster, easier, and more accurate. In the end however, they are still the same old things we have been doing for years in education.


3. Is the technology allowing the teacher/students to do Old things in New ways? [Adaption]


Examples would be: watching Martin Luther King Jr.’s speech or listening to a recording of Stalin.

Old things in New ways could also be reading and evaluating an original piece of writing or visiting a battle site via Google Earth.

These are not new things…just new ways of doing old things. We used to read Martin Luther King Jr.’s speech to the class, now we can watch him give his speech in Washington D.C.

We used to read the words of Stalin, now we can hear him speak them.

We used to read from a book, now we can read and look at the original document.

Instead of talking about a battle site, we can now visit that site virtually.

These are not new things; they just enhance the old ways of doing things.


4. Is the technology creating new and different learning experiences for the students? [Appropriation/Invention/Transformative Use]


This could be a simple list that any evaluator can use to decipher how the technology is being used in a particular lesson.

  • Does the technology allow students to learn from people they never would have been able to without it?
  • Does the technology allow students to interact with information in a way that is meaningful and could not have happened otherwise?
  • Does the technology allow students to create and share their knowledge with an audience they never would have had access to without technology?"



Technology Use Lesson: Observation Tool


4/25/2002 Susan Brooks-Young & Harvey Barnett

This tool was designed for use by site administrators, mentor teachers, peer coaches, or other educators when observing a lesson to determine a teacher's level of skill, or stage of use in incorporating technology use into the lesson.


  • Entry: Learn the basics of using the new technology
  • Adoption:  Use new technology to support traditional instruction. Focus is often on personal use or teaching basic technology to students. 
  • Adaptation: Integrate new technology into traditional classroom practice. Here teachers often focus on increased student productivity and engagement by using word processors, spreadsheets, and graphics tools. [on computer or online]
  • Appropriation: Focus on cooperative, project-based, and interdisciplinary work-incorporating the technology as and as one of many tools
  • Invention: Discover new uses for technology tools, for example, developing spreadsheet macros for teaching algebra or designing projects that combine multiple technologies.


Policy and New Technologies



Many districts are currently in the process of rewriting policies (AUP2.0)

Some considerations:


  • Headlines/stories focus on the negative--there is far more that is positive 
  • Don't target specific technologies--they change too quickly

  • Consider the value of handheld technologies

  • Give teachers freedom to make decisions

  • Have a procedure in place to open websites/web 2.0 tools

  • Filtering should not be a decision solely made by a technician


See my page on this wiki titled AUP 2.0


Some policies/procedures you may find helpful:


Share your own policies--use the comments section below to post links.

Check back often for updates!









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