
Going Global: Connecting, Communicating, Collaborating

Page history last edited by Roxann Nys 10 years, 5 months ago


Knock down your walls and take your students

anywhere in the world…

No passport required!


"Video collaboration expands the reach of education. Walls mean little; oceans even less. Barriers of time and of place are breaking down, allowing students to learn in much different and more profound ways than ever before. Not only is learning more flexible due to mobile video communication solutions, but it can be eye-opening and life-altering as students experience new worlds, new ideas and new possibilities.


Truly, video collaboration is more than just a ”nice to have” technology in education. Today, it is essential to improving student achievement and preparing them as professionals in the global economy"

from "Video Collaboration in Education: Building a Foundation for the Digital Age" A strategy paper from Center for Digital Education                 Video Collaboration in Education CDE12+STRATEGY+Polycom_V.pdf


One of the neatest things you can do with your students is take them on an electronic field trip. All you need is videoconferencing equipment and your imagination... 

no passports, no busses, no permission slips necessary!


You and your students can:

        •  Watch a live heart surgery and talk to the doctors during the operation
        •  Conduct experiments along with a research diver underwater at theGreat Barrier Reef
        •  Learn to dance an authentic Voyageur dance
        • Talk with astronauts on theInternational Space Station
        • Learn about other cultures; visit with students in other countries
        • Read stories with kids around the world during "Read Around the Planet:
        • Collaborate with classrooms almost anywhere in the world and SO much more!


 All of this and much more is possible with videoconference technology!

Need technical assistance in setting up your videoconferencing unit and making it work on your network? Contact: Bill Moede 920-360-3235 or bmoede@cesa7.org 


"Going Global: Bringing the World to Your Classroom via HDVC"    presentation 

Going Global-Connecting your Classroom to the World via HDVC.pdf  



Why Videoconference?


 Students gain essential skills embedded into Common Core State Standards including: 


Ø  Visual and Information Literacy-

Videoconferencing helps students learn how voice, video and data are converged into acommon digital format


Ø  Cultural Literacy and Global Awareness-

By connecting to others, students gain an understanding and appreciation for other cultures. 


Ø   Curiosity, Creativity

Videoconferencing helps students satisfy their curiosity about the world around them by experiencing it firsthand


Ø  Higher Order Thinking & Sound Reasoning-

 Many e-field trip providers challenge students to look at the world around them in a new light and use their skills to solve real world problems and answer real world questions.


Ø  Teaming and Collaboration-

 Classroom2classroom videoconferencing provides unique opportunities for students to learn important collaboration skills necessary for today’s world.  Check out: Collaborative Projects Template Booklet Created by Janine Lim and Arnie Comer to help teachers design "Kid2Kid Videoconferencing Projects"


Ø  Interactive Communication-

By videoconferencing students learn about synchronous communication technologies. 


A helpful resource, "Using Technology with Classroom Instruction that Works" published by McREL and modified into chart format by CESA 7 ETS staff can be found here.


Tips to remember when getting involved in any global project

Although this is an old article (1990!) the suggestions given are still applicable to any project you want to create. 


US Department of Education has a nice resource called "Teacher's Guide to International Collaboration on the Internet"


A great post by two teachers whose classes are blogging partners can be found on ISTE's website. The article is called "ISTE 2012: Flattening Classroom Walls with Blogging and Global Collaboration"


Videoconferencing via IP using H.323 protocol (HDVC)

Videoconference Requirements 

To get started, you'll need videoconference equipment. If  you are in Wisconsin, your district may already have a BCN (BadgerNet Converged Network) classroom at the high school.


If you don’t have a BCN classroom (or it’s busy or not close by,) mobile video carts cost $5,000 to $10,000, depending on the features, the peripherals (like a document camera or computer), the cart, and monitor you select. For ideas about equipment, visit  the CESA 7 Electronic Field Trips page and click on the "Videocarts and Polycoms" link.


Next, consider your bandwidth…is there enough for videoconferencing? You may need to implement quality of service settings in order to ensure good video. Your IT department will need to be involved and our videoconference guru, Bill Moede, can provide technical assistance to them. (920-360-3235 or bmoede@cesa7.org)


Finally, let Roxann Nys (920-366-3621 or rnys@cesa7.org) train and support your teachers and staff on the resources available for efield trip and collaboration opportunities. 


For more resources and information about videoconferencing including a guide to successful videoconferencing, a list of resources to help you find places and people with whom to videoconference, check out the information on the  CESA 7 Educational Technology Services Electronic Field Trips website 


Resources to help you find others using IP (or H.323) videoconferencing

in their classrooms

Here's a list of some resources where you can browse and/or post requests for collaborative projects (with or without videoconferencing):


My two favorite places to search for videoconferencing and/or collaboration possibilities include:

Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration (CILC.org)  

Free to use and, although you don't have to register to use it, I do recommend it! On the CILC site, you can search "Content Providers" for electronic field trips and/or search their "Collaborations Center" for classroom to classroom videoconferencing opportunities. You can also post your own request for a collaboration, but you will need to create your free account to do so.



TWICE network website

"your one stop source for K12 videoconferencing."  Although this site was designed for use initially for Michigan educators, it's open and available to all. It is free to use and to get the most out of it, be sure to create your own educator account.  Janine Lim, the TWICE network coordinator, also has her own website (more on that below) that has an amazing array of resources.


Associated with the TWICE network is a great list of electronic field trips recommended by grade level by the Michigan teachers who've participated in them. Very helpful list, but remember these are subjective recommendations.


Global SchoolNet.org

Their mission: "is to support 21st century learning and improve academic performance through content driven collaboration. We engage teachers and K-12 students in meaningful project learning exchanges worldwide to develop science, math, literacy and communication skills, foster teamwork, civic responsibility and collaboration, encourage workforce preparedness and create multi-cultural understanding.  We prepare youth for full participation as productive and effective citizens in an increasing global economy. Founded in 1984, GSN is a 501(c)3 non-profit education organization. Let's work together to give youth the skills they need." Get Involved



ePals is a partnership that can link Wisconsin students with their counterparts in classrooms in over 200 countries and territories. ePals provides students access tosafe, high-tech tools that will provide entry to cultures around the world." Lots of ideas for projects and the resources provided are free.



KidLink started in Sweden. Most users are between 10 and 15 years old. US Dept. of Ed recommends! 




KC3 Kids Creating Community Content International Contest


Janine Lim's Collaborative Videoconferencing Wiki 

"This wiki is a collection of educator-created templates and projects for collaborative videoconferences. Start by browsing the projects. Then follow these instructions to add your own projects! You may also use the lesson template and the sample agendas."  NOTE: Janine is no longer with Berrien RESA, but the wiki remains as a good resource for those planning collaborative videoconferences.


A great resource for getting ideas: A downloadable booklet, created by Janine Lim of the TWICE network in Michigan. This Word document, called "Kid2Kid Videoconferencing Projects" gives tons of ideas on adapting traditional classroom activities to videoconferencing.


Projects by Jen 

Jennifer Wagner, creator of ProjectsByJen, has been successfully encouraging teachers since 1999 to use online projects in their PreK-6 classrooms. Using various ideas, Jennifer will help you understand how online projects will help you make the most of your time in a variety of ways. Winning numerous awards for her creative ways in encouraging teachers to collaborate, her teaching style is very user friendly, creative, and personable.


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Using Skype to Make Global Connections 


Using Google+ and Hangouts to Make Global Connections



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