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            Home NETSFor Students 2007 Standards 

            Nets for students 2007

                  1.Creativity and Innovation
                   Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, 
                  and develop innovative products and processes using 
                  technology. Students:
                   a.apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, 
                        products, or processes.
                        b.create original works as a means of personal or group 
                        c.use models and simulations to explore complex systems 
                        and issues.
                        d.identify trends and forecast possibilities.

                  2.Communication and Collaboration
                   Students use digital media and environments to communicate 
                  and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support 
                  individual learning and contribute to the learning of others. 
                   a.interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, 
                        experts, or others employing a variety of digital 
                        environments and media.
                        b.communicate information and ideas effectively to 
                        multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats.
                        c.develop cultural understanding and global awareness by 
                        engaging with learners of other cultures.
                        d.contribute to project teams to produce original works 
                        or solve problems.

                  3.Research and Information Fluency
                   Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use 
                  information. Students:
                   a.plan strategies to guide inquiry.
                        b.locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and 
                        ethically use information from a variety of sources and 
                        c.evaluate and select information sources and digital 
                        tools based on the appropriateness to specific tasks.
                        d.process data and report results.

                  4.Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
                   Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct 
                  research, manage projects, solve problems, and make informed 
                  decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources. 
                   a.identify and define authentic problems and 
                        significant questions for investigation.
                        b.plan and manage activities to develop a solution or 
                        complete a project.
                        c.collect and analyze data to identify solutions and/or 
                        make informed decisions.
                        d.use multiple processes and diverse perspectives to 
                        explore alternative solutions.

                  5.Digital Citizenship
                   Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues 
                  related to technology and practice legal and ethical behavior. 
                   a.advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible 
                        use of information and technology.
                        b.exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology 
                        that supports collaboration, learning, and productivity.
                        c.demonstrate personal responsibility for lifelong 
                        d.exhibit leadership for digital citizenship.

                  6.Technology Operations and Concepts
                   Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology 
                  concepts, systems, and operations. Students:
                   a.understand and use technology systems.
                        b.select and use applications effectively and 
                        c.troubleshoot systems and applications.
                        d.transfer current knowledge to learning of new 

                  © 2007 International Society for Technology in Education.  
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                  Eugene, OR  97401-2916 USA; fax: 1.541.302.3780; e-mail: 
                  permissions@iste.org or visit www.iste.org/permissions/.

                    National Educational Technology Standards for Students 2007  
                    NETS•S 2007 Student Profiles  (pdf) 
                    Essential Conditions (pdf) 

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